Confidentiality Notice
This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice.
Tasks are wonderful tools to help track various milestones during the life of an Agreement. Tasks assigned by the Licensor can be assigned to an internal user or to a Licensee; tasks assigned by the Licensee can only be assigned to their internal users. The task "owner" will receive an email when a task is assigned, and if it is not completed prior to the due date, will receive another email that it is past due. You can view and manage your tasks several ways, add comments, edit, reassign and complete tasks. Email notices are sent each time a task is reassigned and at its completion.
You can also view tasks for a specific Agreement by accessing the agreement, then selecting the highlighted number under "Tasks"
Dates that show up red indicate past due.
From this window, you can
1. Add comments by selecting the highlighted number
2. Mark the task complete by checking the box
3. Edit the task
4. Delete the task
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