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How does RoyaltyZone automate currency conversion calculations for sales transactions made in foreign currencies?

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Licensees can enter or upload sales transactions in any currency and RoyaltyZone will convert each sale to the Agreement's base currency using the desired conversion rules.  Licensees can report sales in multiple currencies.

On the "Enter Sales" page, select either 1. Upload Sales or 2. Add Sale

To manually enter one or more sale transactions, click "Add Sale" and fill in the following information

1.  Sale or return

2.  Is this FOB

3.  Select your SKU

4.  Enter quantity sold

Select the actual sale currency from the dropdown box

Note: contact [email protected] if you need a currency added to the list.

Complete the remaining required fields and then select "Save" or "Save and Add Another"

Available fields will vary based on your reporting rule. This example shows the following fields are required

1.  Gross sales dollars (in currency selected)

2.  Invoice date

3.  Territory

4.  Distribution

5.  Discounts

To upload sales transactions, select "Upload Sales", then click "Sales Data Template" to download the latest sales upload template.

Enter the three digit ISO currency code for each sales transaction in the "Currency" column. A list of codes can be found on the sales upload page for your reference.

Be sure to follow the instructions for data formats contained in the report template!

Note: contact [email protected] if you need a currency added to the list.

1. "Choose your file" from the location it was saved and 2. select "Upload"

RoyaltyZone coverts each sales transaction to the agrrement currency using the rules configured for the agreement. You can view the exchange rate used and the converted sales and royalty amounts.

If you are satisfied with the report:

1.  Certify and

2.  Submit

1.  Original sales transaction currency

2.  Exchange rate used for currency conversion calculation

3.  Gross Sales, Discounts, and Net Sales are automatically converted to the agreement currency (USD in this example)

4.  Royalty Owed is calculated using the agreement currency

Click "Export Sales Data" to view the sales transaction data in their original currencies. (pre-converted values)


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