A Sales Quota is the minimum Net or Gross Sales amount that the Licensee must reach over a designated time period.
On Agreement Guarantee Set-Up Page, select "New Guarantee"

Set Terms
1. Enter Name
2. Set Start and End dates if different from Agreement Start and End dates
3. Enter Description (optional)
4. Select 'Sales Quota'
4. Choose Net or Gross
5. Select 'Create'
1. Enter Sales Target Amount 2. Select "Create"

Select the Properties, Categories, Territories and Distributions applicable to the minimum sales requirement and select "Save"
You can now set up additional Guarantees, Sales Quotas, or proceed with your Agreement entry

1. Select this to see the sales quota Associations
2. Edit sales quota description and dates
3. Edit sales quota associations
4. Edit sales quota amount
5. Clone sales quota
6. Delete sales quota
7. Create new guarantee or sales quota
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