Standard language can be entered to auto-populate many text fields on your agreements to simplify data entry. Default data can be edited on individual Agreements.
You will also have the ability to "Hide" fields on the details of the agreement, that you might not be using.
Select 'Setup' and 'Agreements'

Auto-numbering your Agreements
This is used when you have a naming convention that you want to follow by. It will start all the agreements numbers the same way and add the sequences needed at the end.

1. Text entered here will appear at the beginning of the Agreement number
2. Enter the beginning number for Agreements
3. Enter the number of digits in the Agreement number (do not include prefix and suffix)
4. Text entered here will appear at the end of the Agreement number
This example shows your first agreement number will be MB-00050-2012
Default Terms/Associations
Text entered in these fields will populate in the description page of Agreement entry and can be shown with or in place of Associations on your Term Sheets.
If not needed or utilize you have the ability to hide this fields.

1. Select this option to display this text instead of the corresponding Association on a Term Sheet
2. Select this option to display this text in addition to the corresponding Association on a Term Sheet (this text will appear below the Association)
3. Leave blank if you field is customized for each Agreement (Term sheets will only show Associations)
4. Hide if you do not want this field to show on Agreement entry
Other Default Terms - You can cut and paste standard contract language into all default fields and customize on Agreement entry

Hint: You can change the size of the text boxes by selecting and dragging the lower right corner of the text box
Agreement Categories
Used to help classify your Agreements by group.
The Agreement Categories is also frequently used in the participation section to assigned specific rates.
Refer to "How Can I Use Agreement Categories to Define Royalty Rates on Participation Agreements?" for help

1. Check this box to enable expiration notices
2. Save
Confidentiality Notice
This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice.
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