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RoyaltyZone User Interface Enhancements (For our Licensor's Agents)

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RoyaltyZone’s ever-evolving modern design allows for easy navigation and provides a more intuitive user experience.

This release includes major usability improvements to menus, security logins, user profiles, agreement views and product submissions. The following is an introduction to these new features.


Your Navigation Bar, Menu Options, Page Views and Abilities will differ depending on the rights your licensor has assigned. This tutorial is representative of an agent with limited rights

Login Screen

Your Login has been given a standalone form.

This new login screen allows enhanced security, responsiveness and messaging.

Horizontal Menu to Vertical

The Top Navigation Bar has been removed and those options are now located in a left-side navigation panel. Menu links are shown/hidden based on established user security access and user role as an Admin, Royalty Manager or Product Manager.

The Icon-only menu bar offers a single preset default sub-menu item for Submissions and Tasks.

Defaults are set via the following section of Profile Image Menu > User Preferences.                                                                

User Preferences and Default Landing Pages

Submissions, Terms and Tasks will set the page you land on when you click the icon in the navigation panel. You can access other options by selecting the Menu button (shown above)

Agreement Table Settings will define the columns shown on your Agreement Table

Default Account will define the account shown when you log in (for licensees who report to multiple RoyaltyZone Clients)

Profile Image and Menu

Set-Up, Change Password and Log-Out is located to Profile Image

Currently, only your licensor can add an image to your profile. We will be allowing your users that option in our next release.

Agreement Navigation Bar

Same information, more concise presentation.

Replacement of dropdowns with persistent sub menus.

Product Submission – List and Grid Views

For Agents who submit products

The previous all-text listing is replaced by two new graphical presentation formats.

Click cursor anywhere over a List or Grid cell to open submission edit form.

Hover cursor over a Grid cell to expose the submission details (in black above)

The Submission Statistics report has been moved from the (old) Submission List screen to Reports.

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