Licensor Help

How to create an agreement - Fees

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A one-time fee is an amount due to be paid on a specified date. Examples include administration fees, renewal fees, reimbursements, and promotions fees. A marketing fees is collected on every royalty report as a percentage of net or gross sales. The most common example is an advertising or marketing contribution. Fees are not counted towards Advance and Guarantee progress.

Select the type of fee you are entering

1. New one time fee

1. Description of the fee

2. Amount of the fee

3. Due Date

Press "Save"

2. New recurring Fee

1. Description of the fee

2. Select the amount

3. Select the start and end date

4. Payment terms

5. Sequence of the fee

Press "Save"

3. New Marketing fee

1. Name of the Marketing Fee

2. Calculation Method

a. % Net sales

b. % of Gross sales

c. $ Per unit

d. Lump sum per year

3. Select the start and end date of the fee.

4. Choose the marketing type

a. Marketing contribution: Additional royalties

b. Marketing Commitment: Marketing expenditure.

Press "Next"

Additional Links:

Marketing Contributions and Commitments | Licensor Support | TOC | How do I add a Marketing Commitment? | Licensor Help | ScreenSteps ( 

Marketing Contributions and Commitments | Licensor Support | TOC | How do I add a Marketing Contribution? | Licensor Help | ScreenSteps (

1. Enter the % of the fee

Enter the associations for the fee. You have the ability to create multiple fees for different associations, similar to royalty rates.

Press "Next"

Add a guarantee to your fee?

Once you have the fee entered the system will ask if you want to associate a guarantee. This is how you enter a fee guarantee.

Select if you want a guarantee or not.

1. Name of the guarantee

2. Are the payment recoupable against the royalties. Yes/No.

3. When do the guarantee recoup? On invoice or Payments.

4. Advance WILL/WILL NOT recoup during sell-off.

Similar to guarantees enter the payment milestone

1. Due dates of the payment milestone.

2. The amount

3. Description

Press "Next"

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