Licensor Help

Details of a submission

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From Landing page select the submission needing an action.

The submission details will look similar to below. The submission details are broken in five sections: The header, the image section, comments, the details and workflow/history.

The Header

Submission number: Unique number assigned by the system. This number is independent of the SKU.

Stage: Current stage and version of the submission. When hovering over the “i” icon, the stage description appears.

Licensee name: Licensee company name (active link to the profile page).

License agreement: License agreement corresponding to the submission (active link to the open the agreement details).

Term dates: Term dates of the agreement.

Agent: Agent used on the agreement.

Status: Status of the submission.

Submission owner: Owner of the submission defined in the workflow.

Stage manager: Stage manager defined in the workflow.

Submitter: The name of who submitted the submission.

+ Related submission(s): Ability to add a related submission(s). NOTE: Any submission for the same agreement can be linked to each other. The submission number is an active link that will take you to the selected related submission.

Next: This will take you to the next submission. What you see next is based on your user preferences.

Forward: Ability to forward a submission to the reviewers that are included in the workflow for this stage (see section 4 for functionality of forward).

Approve: Approve the stage and move to the next stage or later stage (if the next stage(s) are optional). RoyaltyZone validates that all required fields and actions are completed before approving.

Approve with changes: Approve the stage but you need minor revisions made. It moves it to the next stage or later stage (if the next stage(s) are optional). RoyaltyZone validates that all required fields and actions are completed before approving with changes.

Reject: You decline to continue with the submission. This ends the submission and a new one will need to be created. NOTE: the submitter has a similar option called Cancelled. If they cancel a submission, a new one will need to be created as well.

Resubmit: Submission stays in the same stage and needs to be revised by the submitter.

Clone: Ability to clone the submission. All details copy over into a new submission number.

Export: Export the data into a PDF file with the option to include history details.

The Image

1. Shows image/file name, stage and version, whether internal or external, date added, and size of image.

2. Actions

a. Select icon to View/Annotate the image/file. This will open in a separate browser tab. NOTE: only certain file types can be annotated: PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF, DOC, XLS and PPT.

b. Select “down arrow” icon to Download the image/file.

c. Select to Export the image including annotations.

d. Select the “trash can” icon to Delete the image. NOTE: You are only able to delete your uploaded files during the same stage and version. Once it changes stage and version number it can no longer be deleted.


The Comments

1. Comments can be entered by selecting “+Comment” and formatted per the options.

2. Comments can be made internal or external if you have access to create both.

a. Internal: Submitter cannot view.

b. External: All users can view unless their role is restricted or they have a custom role that excludes the right to view external comments.

3. Lists all comments with the most recent on top.      


NOTE: Comments made by the submitter are not viewable to the stage manager or submission owners until the submission is submitted. The reserve is also true. The submitter cannot vie any comments made by the reviewer, until the submission is returned to the submitter.

The Details

                                                           1. List any instructions made on the workflow

                                                           2. SKU number + edit function of the details

                                                           3. Details of the SKU submitted

The workflow and history

                                                           List the workflow, the user can collapse each stage to see the details.

                                                          The history section will give you a snapshot of all the actions that occurred on the submission that are applicable to the user.

Confidentiality Notice This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice. RoyaltyZone © 2021


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