Licensor Help

How Do I Request Support?

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RoyaltyZone provides an interactive easy-to-use Help Desk to submit all your support requests, whether they be questions on how to do something, system issues, or requests for new features.  

If you are a Licensee with questions on your Agreement terms, reporting requirements or available rights, please contact your Licensor directly.

From the top navigation bar, select "Help" and then select "Request Support"

Fill out the RoyaltyZone Help Center Support Request

  1. Enter your email address
  2. Entered a detailed description. Be as thorough as possible to help us research the issue. Include steps you took to get to the issue and include any error messages you received.
  3. Select the type of request - Question: How do I do something/How does it work; Incident:  The system is down/part of the system is down:  Problem: I think something is wrong; Task: I'd like to suggest a new feature or enhancement on an existing one.
  4. Enter the url of the last page you were on
  1. Enter your name
  2. If you are a RoyaltyZone Client, enter your company name (and sub-account if applicable). If you are a licensee, agent or licensor invited by an RZ client - enter the company that has invited you AND your company name
  3. Attach any screenshots, files you were attempting to upload, files you downloaded, or any other information that could be helpful.  You can add as many attachments as necessary
  4. Click "Submit"

You will receive a message with your request number:

You will also receive an email with your request information

You can reply to the email to submit additional information, make comments and ask questions

You can track your request directly in the RoyaltyZone Help Desk System

The first time you access the Help Desk after you've submitted a request, you will need to Get A Password

Once you receive your password, you can log in at any time to check your request status

  1. You can view a detailed list
  2. You can view a compact list
  3. You can view recently solved and closed tickets
  4. View the current status
  5. View the request history


Request History

  1. Date and time of original submittal
  2. Details of submittal
  3. Download link to download your attachments
  4. Ticket Statistics
  5. Add additional comments

You can submit new requests here

As your request processes to its conclusion, you will receive email notifications from the Help Center

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