Licensor Help

How do I create a Bundled Product (a SKU with multiple licensed and/or non-licensed properties)?

Updated on

Bundling has two purposes:

  1. pro-rating the amount of sales (and therefore royalties) when a product 'set' includes a combination of licensed and non-licensed properties
  2. assigning appropriate sales (and therefore royalties) to individual properties when they are combined on a licensed product

Select "Products" from the Agreement Page

Select "Add"

To add the first property, fill out the information below:

1.  SKU Number

2.  SKU Description

3.  URL (Optional

4.  Category

Using the dropdown box, select the first Property, then check "Bundle Factor"

1.  Fill out the percentage of net sales and royalties you want attributed to this Property, then   2. select "Continue"

You can now see the property and its % on the SKU list page.  To add a second property, select "View"

Select "Add Association"

1. Select the next property to add to this SKU    2. Select "Update"

1.  Enter the percentage you want associated with this property and   2.  select "Save"

You can now see that SKU 12321 has two Properties, each with 50% of net sales and royalties attributable to it. You can continue to add Properties if you need to.

To edit a bundled SKU, from the Product Record page, select "Edit" for the association you want to edit, or "Delete" to delete the association

From "Edit", you can change the Category, Property and/or the Bundle Factor Percentage. After making your changes, select "Update"

1.  Category changed to Sleepwear

2.  Propety changed to Marilyn

3.  Bundle Factor changed to 25

4.  Update

View the results of your changes

Note: When you change the Category for any component of the bundle, it changes it for all components

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