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How do I manage a Workflow?

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Workflows are helpful tools for tracking multiple steps through various stages to achieve a final goal, whether it be negotiating a deal, following company procedures for signature routing, or any number of multi-phase projects. A workflow can consist of one ore more stages, and each stage can consist of one or more tasks.  See "How do I set up a Workflow" tutorial for more information.

A workflow can be added to an agreement on the description page, either during initial agreement setup, or by editing an existing agreement.

Select the workflow you want to add by accessing the workflow dropdown box.  

Note:  If you replace and existing workflow with a new workflow, it will delete the current workflow progress and begin the new workflow at its first step.

Once a workflow has been assigned to an agreement, the deal stage appears at the top of the agreement page and the number of tasks for that stage will appear in your Tasks

By selecting the number of days, you can see all stages, tasks and their status

1. You can view, add and edit comments to each task by selecting "Comments"

2. The date your agreement entered into the current stage and the date this stage is targeted for completion

Select "Tasks" to view, edit, complete and/or delete the tasks for the current stage

You can complete the task by either checking the box or selecting the edit pencil under "Actions"

To complete the task from the edit page, check the "Complete" box and select "Update"

Once all task are completed for a stage, RoyaltyZone moves to the next stage and makes those tasks available for action.

Since the third task was marked 'optional', RZ allows you to skip this task.

Within the agreement, you can view your workflow progress and tasks. Select 'My Tasks' to view the open tasks assigned to you for the current stage.

Select "Assigned Tasks" to see open tasks you've assigned to others.

Select "All Tasks" to see all open tasks for this stage.

Select "Workflow Tasks" to see all tasks for the workflow, along with their current status.

Scroll down the page to review your workflow progress.

As the workflow progresses, the number of days in the stage will change, and the task due dates will turn red if they are past due for completion.

The Agreements page will show all agreements that have been assigned a workflow, the current deal stage, and the number of days in that stage.

You can also view your workflow tasks along with other tasks by selecting "Tasks", then "My Tasks", "Assigned Tasks" or "All Tasks"

1. Task due date. Tasks in red are past due

2. Task owner

3. Applicable agreement

4. Task description

5. View comments

6. Take action

7; Switch between open and closed tasks

A convient Deal Pipeline Report can be exported to show current stages of all deals. Select "Reports" from your green task bar.

Select "Deal Pipeline"

Your Deal Pipeline Report downloads as a csv file and can be opened in any spreadsheet program.

All Actions taken on Tasks are logged in your Agreement and can be viewed by selecting "History".


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