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How Do I View and Export My Trends and Analysis Charts

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Trends and Analysis Charts can provide a birds eye view of your licensing business by examining a single licensee's performance for any time frame or for performance for all licensees over any time frame.  This document provides instructions on how to view Trends and Analysis at each level.


For a Single Licensee for a Single Reporting Period

When a royalty report is approved, you will automatically land on the report summary page where you can view that licensee's performance for that period. To access this page at any time, Select:

  1. Royalties from the left navigation bar
  2. Summary for the specific period
  3. View for the specific licensee


  1. Select the agreement from the agreement table
  2. Select Royalties
  3. Select the specific period


For All Licensees For a Single Period

  1. Select the Royalties Icon in the left navigation bar
  2. Select Summary for the period you want to view

For All Licensees For a Custom Period

  1. Select the Royalties Icon from the Left Navigation Bar
  2. Select Specify a Custom Time Frame
  3. Select the Period Increment
  4. Set the Start and End Dates
  5. Select Run Report

For a Single Licensee For a Custom Period

  1. From the Agreement Table click on the Licensee Name (or from anywhere within RoyaltyZone where the licensee name appears)
  2. Select Change Date Range
  3. Select the Period Increment
  4. Set the Start and End Dates
  5. Select Submit

Depending on the view you select, the Trends charts will show different data

1.  When viewing a single reporting period for a single licensee, the Trends Chart shows:

  • The current period sales
  • Previous period sales
  • Same period previous year
  • Licensee Average

The licensee average shows all all other licensees for this quarter (whose reports have been approved) are doing in comparison to the licensee you're viewing:

If you hover over any period, the Trends chart will show the following information:

  • Total Due
  • Royalty Owed
  • Fees
  • Deductions
  • Returns
  • Exemptions
  • Advances

Hover your cursor over the applicable color or line to view that items value.

You can remove or add back any item in the chart, simply by selecting that item. In this example, the user does not want to see Advances. By selecting Advances, it shows in the header with a strikethrough and the chart is adjusted with its removal.

You can view by Royalties, Net Sales or Quantity by selecting the applicable view in the drop down.

2.  When viewing a period summary, the Trends Chart will show the current period, prior two periods, and same period last year

3.  When viewing a custom period, either for a single licensee or for all licensees, the Trends chart will show each period based on the increment and start/end dates of the custom period:

Analysis Charts

Analysis charts summarize the amounts, rank them (Top 10 or Bottom 10) and group them by:

  1. Property
  2. Category
  3. SKU
  4. Territory
  5. Distribution
  6. Licensee/Licensor (for period summary land custom periods only)

The order defaults to the Top 10. To switch, select Bottom 10 option.

How Do I Export the Charts?

Select the downward pointing arrow to export a pdf of the charts as seen on the screen. Thus, if you selected Quantity and removed advances, the export will have the same.


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