Licensor Help

How do I create and manage Alerts?

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Alerts are notifications that are sent to designated individuals (both Licensor and Licensee) based on events triggered during royalty reporting.  You can use Alerts to manage caps on returns and/or deductiions, or to manage agreement terms that need to be amended when a certain milestone is reached.

To set up an Alert, select 'Alerts' from the Agreement navigation bar and select 'New Alert'

Select the Event you want to trigger the Alert

Select whether you want RoyaltyZone to calculate the event over 'the life of the agreement' or for 'a single reporting period'

Select the Users you want to receive the notification and enter any additional information you want included in the notification email (optional)

Tip: Hold down the shift key to select multiple email recipients

When royalties are submitted that exceed the criteria, an Alert is triggered and an email is sent to those selected

1.  Reporting period and date submitted

2. Criteria exceeded

3. Additional note

You can view Alerts that are set up for an Agreement by selecting Alerts from the green Agreement navigation bar. Alerts can be edited or deleted at any time.

1.  Trigger for Alert

2.  Whom notification is sent to

3.  Additional note

4.  Edit Alert

5.  Delete Alert.

You can view Alerts for an Agreement by selecting the Alerts number in the Agreement

You can view Alerts triggered for your Account over all Licensees by selecting 'Alerts' in the top green navigation bar

and search by any text in any field

and search by any text in any field


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