At the agreement level you will have the ability to add notes, tasks and attachments. Here's how !
Adding Notes
Notes can be made at the agreement level. They are great to capture information on the agreement or licensee. They are also internal, meaning the licensee will not see them.
Additionally you can export a report on all the notes for all the agreements.

1. Add the subject
2. Add the notes
Press "Create"
You can Add additional notes, Export notes

In reports you have the ability to pull the notes reports which will show you all the notes entered.

Adding Tasks
Tasks gives you the ability to assign tasks to internal or external user on a certain due date.
An email will be set to the user with the specific task.

1. Add a due date of when the task is due.
2. The owner of the task.
3. The description of the task.
Press "Create"
You can manage and review all task in the task section.

1. My Tasks: Task assigned to you
2. Assigned Tasks: All assigned tasks.
3. All Tasks: All Tasks.
4. Product Submissions: Task assigned thru the product submission.
Adding Attachment

Press add attachment
Drag and Drop files to this space, or click in the square to select the file.
Press "Upload"

Click on the link to open your files.
Confidentiality Notice
This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice.
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