Licensor Help

How do I set up "Royalty Reporting rule" and how do they work?

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Royalty Reporting Rules define when royalty reports are due, how they are calculated, and what fields are required to be reported. Create as many Reporting Rules as necessary. You will assign a Reporting Rule to each of your License Agreements

Go to Profile> Set up > Royalty reporting Rules

Create a New Reporting Rule

1. Name the reporting rule. Example: Quarterly with Discounts

2. Frequency of the rule, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly

3. Days when the report is due

4. Press next

Select the fields you want to include in your reporting. The items you select below will appear on the sales upload template for all agreements that use this reporting rule.

Once created in your set up the user will be able to select in their agreements. This will also determine the template to be use when uploading royalties.

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