Licensor Help

How do I upload royalties using my file format and Column Mapper

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You can upload royalties using your own file and map the data to the appropriate fields in RoyaltyZone.  RoyaltyZone can accept any csv file.

Your file must be in columnar format in a spreadsheet-type software (such as Excel, Numbers, Google Spreadsheet)

First, prepare your sales file for upload

  1. Delete any rows above header row
  2. Delete any rows, including totals, below your last line of data
  3. You do not need to delete columns that will not be mapped, RoyaltyZone will ignore them

Save it as a .csv file

Depending on what spreadsheet program you are using, your 'Save As' window might look different

On the Sales Transactions Page (step 3 of report submittal) select "Upload Sales"

Select your file

  1. Select "Use my own data file" from the drop-down as your file type
  2. Select "Choose File" - Locate your file from its saved location
  3. Leave checked if your file has a header row, uncheck if it does not
  4. Select "Upload"

Map your data to RoyaltyZone!

You can map columns from your file to fields in RoyaltyZone

Or you can set a "Global Value" to accept data that is not accounted for in a column on your file

Select the appropriate column from your file for each field in RZ, or enter your "Global Value", then save your map to use in the future

  1. All RoyaltyZone fields
  2. Must have a corresponding column on your upload file, or
  3. A global value assigned.
  4. Select your data format - NOTE: Leave as-is for US formatting
  5. Name your Mapping
  6. Select "Create Map"

Once you select "Create Map" your report will begin the normal report submittal process

Once you have created a Column Map, you can reuse it by selecting it from the drop-down box during Step 3 of royalty reporting

RoyaltyZone will display the saved mapping and you can change any values as necessary

  1. You can rename and/or
  2. Resave new mapping

You can create multiple mappings to handle different report formats from different divisions within your company, then upload each report format before submitting

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