Licensor Help

How do I add Products manually and uploading?

Updated on

  • RoyaltyZone relies on data that you enter/upload for your licensed products to determine proper royalty rates and track advances and guarantees. You must create your product database in RoyaltyZone before you report royalties.
  • Any product that you sell that utilizes one or more licensed properties must be added to your RoyaltyZone product database.

Products, or SKUs, can be added using RoyaltyZone's one-step entry form, or by uploading them using the RoyaltyZone Product Data Template

Within your Agreement, select "Products"

To add a Product manually, select "Add"

Enter your Product information

1.  Enter SKU number, part number or unique identifier

2.  Enter Description

3.  Enter URL

4.  Select your Category from the drop down list

5.  Select your Property from the drop down list

6. Check if Bundle Factor applies

7. Select Manufacturers

8.  Click "Continue"


Within the agreement select products. then press upload.

Download the Product Data Template

How to fill out the upload.

                                                            1. SKU : Required field, unique identifier, alphanumeric values. Duplicated SKU are not permitted.

                                                            2. Description: Required fields, product name or descriptive information, alphanumeric values.

                                                            3. Property: Required, property utilize on the product, must match existing property.

                                                            4. Category: Required, category that best match the product, category must match existing category in agreement.

                                                            5. SKU Alias: Optional, SKU Aliases separated by semi-colons, alpha numeric, SKU alias are an attribute to the SKU.

                                                            6. Bundle Factor: More than one property is attached to the SKU, optional, value must be from 1-100, total must equal 100.  

                                                            7. Reporting Note: Optional, capture information on SKU.

                                                            8. Manufacturer: Optional, can contain manufacturer IDs separated by semi-colons, must match existing manufacturer.                            

Delete the instruction rows

NOTE:  To upload a product with multiple properties, create a separate row for each property on the product. All of the columns should have the same information in them except the property column, where each row will have a different property.

From your Product Upload page find and upload your file

1.  Select the Agreement your uploading to

2.  Select "Choose File"

3.  Find the file you saved

4.  Check if your file has a header row

5.  Check to ignore duplicate SKU numbers

5. Select "Upload"

RoyaltyZone will process your upload and notify you if any errors are found.

Smaller files will be processed on the page as you wait. For larger files, an email will be sent when processing is complete.

Review your Product Upload and if you are satisfied, select "Save"

Your available Properties and Categories are a great to export, to assist you in filling out the information on the Product Data Template

On the upload page press "Export Available Properties and Categories"

The export, will list all available properties and categories available on your agreement.

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This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice.


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