Licensee Help

How to navigate thru RoyaltyZone

Updated on

It can be overwhelming login into a new system, and not necessarily know how to navigate thru. Below are simple directions on what each sections functionality.

When you first login

You will be taken to "Dashboard" menu. You have the ability to submit royalties for your agreement by pressing "Submit" next to the period you want to submit.


Sections with RoyaltyZone

1. Menu: Expend the menu to view the description of each sections.

2. Dashboard: Directly access the royalty reports needing to be submitted.

3. Agreements: Access your agreement details.

4. Products: All active SKU currently in RoyaltyZone.

5. Assets: Assets you have permission to view.

*This section might not be enable by your Licensors.

6. Submissions: Submit new submissions for the Licensors to review. If enable, this section will allow you to submit new product designs, packaging and other submissions.

*The Licensors will give you more direction on their specific processes.

7. Manufacturer: If used, this will give you a list of manufacturer.

8. Tasks: Any tasks assigned to you will be listed.

9. Alerts: If any alerts are in the system this section will list them.

10. Reports: Reports that you have access to.


Profile Section

1. Profile: Will let access different back end sections.

2. Set Up: Will let you update your profile and add users.

3. User Preferences:  set different options on how you would like to see different views in RoyaltyZone.

4. Tutorials: Different Help documentation to help you navigating thru RoyaltyZone.

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This document may contain information of a confidential, proprietary and/or sensitive nature. This document and the information in it may not be reproduced or disclosed to any unauthorized users without the prior written permission of FilmTrack, Inc (here-to-forth known as ‘The Company’). Any unauthorized reproduction or disclosure of this document or the information contained in it is strictly prohibited. All authorized reproductions (either in whole or in part) shall bear this confidentiality notice.

RoyaltyZone © 2021